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"The secret of good teaching is to regard the child's intelligence as a fertile field in which seeds may be sown, to grow under the heat of flaming imagination."

--Dr. Maria Montessori

Monday, August 23, 2010

Make & Take Monday

It's Make & Take Monday and our activity today is called "Hang Ups".  Hang ribbon from a paper clip with a clothespin at the end. Glue a shape from fun foam to the end of the clothespin. Tuck the paper clip in a ceiling tile and then attach the children’s work to the clothespin. You could have the children pick their favorite fun shape or make their own fun shape from cutting a design from foam sheets. You could even coordinate the shapes to your classroom theme. Children love to see their work displayed. It validates their efforts and builds up their self esteem. (Caution: Check with your administrator before hanging anything from the ceiling. If you are not allowed to hang from the ceiling attach clothespin to an 18 x12 laminated sheet of construction paper and hang on back of shelves, on the bulletin board, or on storage cabinets.)

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