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"The secret of good teaching is to regard the child's intelligence as a fertile field in which seeds may be sown, to grow under the heat of flaming imagination."

--Dr. Maria Montessori

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Workshop Wednesday

Counting Apples

fall counting apples
Setting: Small Group, Math Centers

Materials: red pom-poms, red sticky dots, construction paper, Sharpie, laminating film, basket, strawberry hullers

Directions: Laminate construction paper and cut out tree shapes, one tree per child in your small group. Write a different number on the bottom of each tree trunk with a Sharpie and place the corresponding number of red sticky dots on the tree. Place a basket of red pom-poms on the table and have students place the correct number of “apples” on the trees using a strawberry huller. The strawberry huller incorporates fine motor exercise into this activity.

Extensions:  Change it up by switching apples for leaves or acorns. Instead of writing numbers you could use  a die. Children roll the die and place that many objects on the tree. Simple, yet so many ways to use!

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