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"The secret of good teaching is to regard the child's intelligence as a fertile field in which seeds may be sown, to grow under the heat of flaming imagination."

--Dr. Maria Montessori

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Make and Take Monday

Sorry I have been out of commission. I have recently moved and my computer has been down.
I am trying to catch up for this week. Thanks for your patience.

Colorful Sensory Gel Bags

These bags can be added to your art area, discovery/science area, writing area, or even table toys ... practically anywhere. And the kids LOVE them!

Hair gel (from the dollar store - clear or yellow)
Food color (the food coloring in the tubes makes bright colors)
Clear packing tape
Trinkets (optional)

1. Fill each Ziploc baggie with about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of hair gel. (The yellow hair gel works as well as the clear gel and it smells great!)
2. Add some food color to get the bright colors.
3. Add trinkets if desired.
4. Use clear packing tape to seal the top of the baggies.

TIP: To remove the Ziploc print from the baggie all you need is to lightly rub the white letters and symbols with a very little nail polish remover and a sponge and the white print will come right off.

Make a baggie with each color and place in the art area for children to explore.

Add trinkets and add to your table toys area.
Have children "squish" around and count the number of objects in the baggie.
Add trinkets related to your current theme and add to your discovery area.
For example, nuts, acorns, apples, etc. for fall.

Use for small groups. Give each child a baggie and have them trace letters, shapes, numbers, etc.

Photos taken from Teach Preschool

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