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"The secret of good teaching is to regard the child's intelligence as a fertile field in which seeds may be sown, to grow under the heat of flaming imagination."

--Dr. Maria Montessori

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Transition Tuesday

Welcome to Transition Tuesday. Today's transition tip is to assist our youngsters with walking in the hallway.  I always find it interesting that we ask children to walk in a straight line in the hallway, but as adults we tend to walk in groups. Think about it - how many times have you walked in a straight line as you walk in the shopping mall! There is a reason for asking children to walk in a line in the hallway (straight line, maybe not). Children transition from the classroom to other parts of the school numerous times in one day(to and from arrival and departure locations, cafeteria for meals, related arts classes, outdoors, etc.) Herding 20+ young children from one area to another can be challenging . Therefore, we teach children procedures for walking in the hallway - on the right side, single file, quiet voices, hands together,  etc. Below is a simple rhyme to teach children before "venturing out" into the long, never ending hallways.

Marshmallow Toes 

Walking through the hallways,
Everyone quietly goes...
Being respectful all the way…
Walking on our Marshmallow Toes…

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